As the town’s only Anglican church, Bourne Abbey plays an important role in parish and civic life. We aspire to be a welcoming community that meets a variety of needs in a number of ways.
Worship at Bourne Abbey is a rich tapestry of colour, sounds and experiences where the principal act of worship is the Eucharist. You are most welcome to any of our services; just turn up and you are assured of a warm welcome.
Bourne Abbey Church is open every day for private prayer and visitors.

Address: Bourne Abbey Church
Church Walk, Bourne, Lincolnshire, PE10 9UQ
(Note: Satnavs do not always recognise this postcode)
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Vicar: Rev. Fr. Stephen Buckman, 01778 782779 or 07464 728545
Associate Priest: Rev. Fr. Peter Lister, SSC