Worship at Bourne Abbey is a rich tapestry of colour, sounds and experiences where the principal act of worship is the Eucharist.
Sung Eucharist, every Sunday, 11am
Our main Sunday service is Sung Eucharist at 11.00am, from Common Worship.
Said Eucharist (BCP), every Thursday, 10am
A said Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer is celebrated every Thursday at 10.00am.
Choral Evensong, 3rd Sunday, 6.30pm
Choral Evensong is held on the third Sunday of the month, at 6.30pm, with an expanded choir.
Every Sunday at 11am is a Sung Eucharist with a robed choir using modern language as we follow the life of Jesus throughout the year. On Saints’ and Festival Days, we use incense to emphasise the dignity and celebratory aspect of worship.
Children are welcome to all the worship taking place at the Abbey. There is a children’s activity area in the Church, where families are often to be found engaging informally with the Church’s worship.
You are most welcome to any of our services; just turn up and you are assured of a warm welcome.
The pew sheet gives details of services for the following week, and other useful information.