Community Activities

As the town’s only Anglican church, the Abbey plays an important role in parish and civic life, supporting enterprises in both spheres, such as the Town Service of Remembrance, the Churches Together in Bourne annual service for Christian Unity, and the Food Bank.

We also run ventures such as the Nibble and Natter coffee morning, the Gardening Group, and the Parish Magazine.

Food Bank

The Food Bank was started under the auspices of Churches Together in Bourne. It is run from the United Reformed Church’s premises.

Items that are always welcome include: tinned vegetables, fruit, soups, custard & rice puddings, jam, marmalade, instant desserts, UHT milk, tea, chocolate & children’s lunch snacks. Also toiletries including liquid soap, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste & toothbrushes.

Donations may be left at the rear of the Abbey in the plastic boxes provided.

‘Nibble and Natter’

A ‘Nibble and Natter’ coffee morning takes place in the Church Hall on the first Saturday of the month between 10a.m. and noon. In addition to coffee and (tea)cakes, there is usually a raffle and some stalls. Everyone is most welcome!

Gardening Group

Volunteer gardeners help to keep the weeds in check around the church to maintain the integrity of the building.  The Abbey group is joined once a month by a group from the Bourne U3A; each session is one hour long, usually on a Tuesday morning (Abbey group) or afternoon (joint group), and is followed by an opportunity to chat over a cup of tea or coffee. Much can be achieved by a few people in one hour, as the appearance of the area around the church and Church Walk demonstrate.

Parish Magazine

A parish magazine is published monthly and is available in hard copy in church; the suggested donation on the front cover is to cover production costs. It is also available to download via the ‘News’ section.