Next Vicar of Bourne

The Bishop of Lincoln has announced that the Reverend Father Stephen Buckman will be the next Vicar of Bourne. The licensing service will take place on Tuesday 27th February at 7.00 p.m. in Bourne Abbey.

Rev. Fr. Stephen Buckman

The Revd Fr Stephen Buckman Stephen moved from Horsham in West Sussex to take up the role of Rector of the Corby Glen Group of Parishes in December 2015. Prior to ordination he enjoyed a successful career as a professional musician, and then as a teacher of music and philosophy. Stephen’s vocation to the priesthood was nurtured over many years. When his journey into ordained ministry began he was a Self-Supporting Minister who led a large parish through a long period of interregnum. He entered his first full-time incumbency when he and his wife, Vicky moved to Lincolnshire. Since moving to Corby Glen Stephen has developed a great passion for rural ministry, which helped inform the dissertation for an MA in Theology and Christian Ministry. As well as being the incumbent of six rural parishes he is the Rural Dean of Beltisloe Deanery and Partnership Dean for the South Kesteven Deanery Partnership. Having been involved in the evolution of Time To Change Together since its earliest days, Stephen is excited by the prospect of helping Bourne develop its role in shaping the future of the Church of England in the southern part of our Diocese. He looks forward to developing strong working relationships with a team of clergy and laity who already serve the parish so faithfully. In these days when ‘wellbeing’ is recognised as being so important, he is pleased to be able to say that he does still have a life away from the vicarage! Stephen and Vicky have two grown-up children: James who is a civil servant and academic historian, and Lucy who is a successful artist in Worthing. Whilst he rarely performs as a musician these days, Stephen does still find time to compose choral and orchestral music in a range of genres. Vicky and he enjoy travelling, reading, cinema, theatre, finding ‘nice’ places to eat and spending time together in the countryside and on long country walks – they completed the Camino in 2019, just before the pandemic locked us away behind our front doors!

Here is a short introductory video.