Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer from Common Worship. A short (c. 20-minute) service of readings and prayers.
Said Eucharist (BCP)
Said Eucharist (BCP), every Thursday, 10am
Funeral – Vera Hargadon
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer from Common Worship. A short (c. 20-minute) service of readings and prayers.
Choir practice
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer from Common Worship. A short (c. 20-minute) service of readings and prayers.
Sung Eucharist
Sung Eucharist, every Sunday, 11.00am, Bourne Abbey Church
Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong, 3rd Sunday of each month, 6.30pm
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer from Common Worship. A short (c. 20-minute) service of readings and prayers.
Bourne Choral rehearsal